NoSQL and SQL Data Modeling: Bringing Together Data, Semantics, and Software, by Ted Hills
How do we design for data when traditional design techniques cannot extend to new database technologies?
Taking Care of Data
Plant Change Control 2.0
Where did the Savings Come From?
Why Model?
Book Outline
Book Audience
NoSQL Database Developer
SQL Database Developer
Data Modeler
Software Developer
Chapter Glossary
Chapter Glossary
Collections of Objects
Sets of Concepts
Sets of Objects
Types and Classes
Types Designate Sets
Classes Describe Objects
Three Aspects of Types and Classes
Chapter Glossary
Logical E-R Data Models
Multiple Levels of Abstraction
Limitations of E-R Modeling Notation
NoSQL Arrays and Nested Data Structures
Lack of Reusable Composite Types
Lack of Place
Modeling the Real World
Representing Individual Entities
Mapping Between Models
Data in Software
E-R Terms Mapped to COMN Terms
Class Diagrams
Limitations of the UML
Lack of Keys
Middling Level of Abstraction
Lack of Concept
Subclassing versus Subtyping
Relationship, Composition and Aggregation
Type and Implementation Class
UML Terms Mapped to COMN Terms
Facts and Relationships
Limitations of Fact-Based Modeling
Lack of Instances
Fact-Based Modeling Terms Mapped to COMN Terms
Predicates and RDF Statements
Doubles and Quadruples
Graphical Notations for Semantics
Classes, Objects, Types, and Variables
Material Objects
Objects with States
Meaning of States
Objects with More States
Even More States
Material Objects in Computers
Computer Object Defined
Composing Objects
Software Object Composition
Authorizing Certain Routines
Chapter Glossary
Types in Programming and Databases
What does a Type tell us?
Classes in Object-Oriented Software
Separating Type and Class
Simple Types
Chapter Glossary
Composite Types as Logical Record Types
Types Representing Things in the Real World: Identification
Stepwise Refinement and Completeness
Types Representing Other Types
Measures as Composite Types
Nested Types
Modeling Documents
Chapter Glossary
Restriction is Subtyping
Subtypes and Extensions: Perfect Together
Using Subtype Variables and Values
Using Extending Types and Classes
Projection: The Inverse of Extension
Chapter Glossary
Is Information Always True?
From Information to Data
Data en Masse
Variable Names
Information and Data as Colloquialisms
Information En Masse
It’s Just Data
Putting it all Together
“Unstructured Data” and “Semi-Structured Data”
Data Object
Chapter Glossary
Arrivals and Departures
Labeling Relationship Lines
Cleaning up the Model
Roles, Predicates, and Relationships
Chapter Glossary
What is a Relation?
The Order of Rows
The Uniqueness of Rows
The Significance of Columns
Technical Relational Terminology
Tuple and Relation Schemes
Giving Data to the System
Data Attribute Versus Attribute
Relational Terminology Reprise
Composite Data Attributes
Relational Operations
NoSQL Versus the Relational Model
SQL Versus the Relational Model
Chapter Glossary
What’s Different about NoSQL?
Database Performance
ACID versus BASE and Scalability
NoSQL and SQL Data Organization
Key/Value DBMS
Graph DBMS
Document DBMS
Columnar DBMS
Tabular DBMS
Analysis: Documenting Real-World Entities
Logical Data Modeling: Designing the Data
Physical Data Modeling: Designing the Implementation
In this era of big data and the Internet of Things, it is essential that we have the tools we need to understand the data coming to us faster than ever before, and to design databases and data processing systems that can adapt easily to ever-changing data schemas and ever-changing business requirements. There must be no intellectual disconnect between data and the software that manages it. It must be possible to extract meaning and knowledge from data to drive artificial intelligence applications. Novel NoSQL data organization techniques must be used side-by-side with traditional SQL databases. Are existing data modeling techniques ready for all of this?
The Concept and Object Modeling Notation (COMN) is able to cover the full spectrum of analysis and design. A single COMN model can represent the objects and concepts in the problem space, logical data design, and concrete NoSQL and SQL document, key-value, columnar, and relational database implementations. COMN models enable an unprecedented level of traceability of requirements to implementation. COMN models can also represent the static structure of software and the predicates that represent the patterns of meaning in databases.
This book will teach you:
“I believe that this is a breakthrough modeling technique – and it is technique, not just notation. COMN provides notation to handle all of the constructs that E-R techniques don’t do well, and it steps up to the problem of linking physical and conceptual models. . . . I’m convinced that COMN is the future of data modeling.”
Dave Wells, BI and Analytics Educator and Consultant, Infocentric
Ted Hills has been active in the Information Technology industry since 1975. Starting with microprocessor design and “bare metal” programming, Ted moved gradually up through device drivers and operating systems to communications software, applications, and finally information architecture. Experience applying his top-to-bottom understanding of data, software, and computer architecture for many companies, including AT&T Bell Laboratories, Dow Jones, Bloomberg, Merrill Lynch, and Bank of America, has given Ted a deep understanding of the needs of modern business and of how to apply theory to practice. At LexisNexis, Ted co-leads the work of establishing enterprise data architecture standards and governance processes, working with data models and business and data definitions for both structured and unstructured data. Ted has always been an active researcher, with interests in software and data integration, data modeling notations, and improving the expressivity of languages while keeping them type-safe.
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